Sunday, December 22, 2013

2013 wrap-up

Reflection can be powerful. It shows us how far we've come. Sometimes I don't realize how far, as each day I try to live in the present as that is truly where it all happens. Looking back over the year is really eye-opening. Wow! It's been a big year! Probably one of the biggest of my life. I look at all the people I shared these moments with and the new friends that have come into my life, who have also become like family. Some where just there for a period of time when I needed them and some will be lifelong friends. I am grateful for all and for the experiences we shared.

So, here's just a brief wrap-up of 2013 and some of my favorite photos. These are the best of times, remember this, as throughout the year there is also the tough times that we don't always see and share, we don't always want to remember. Those experiences are also important as they help us grow, find strength, persevere and they can be our biggest teachers. Nothing is guaranteed, so cherish the happy times and know you will get through the tough.

  • Had one of the best stay-cations ever; trying out new things in KC and visiting some local favorites.
  • Ran my first half marathon and had a blast doing it!
  • Niece and goddaughter, Madeline Elise, born.
  • Completed 200-hour registered yoga teacher training.
  • Traveled to Vancouver with my dad.
  • Started teaching hot yoga at Core Energy.
  • Left advertising job of more than 9 years.
  • Started working the front desk at Your Wellness Connection and quickly added marketing and operations to the repertoire.
  • Became certified in a corporate wellness program – Wellness on a Shoestring by Dr. Michelle Robin (who owns Your Wellness Connection).
  • Participated in Baron Baptiste 40-day personal revolution through Core Energy.
  • Completed my first 3-day Juice Cleanse.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Why are you running a marathon?
At first the answer was because my friend is doing it and it is in California. Yet, as I was asked that question today I realized it is so much more now than when I first signed-up and I need support from you, my tribe. I cannot do this alone. There will be days when it hurts, when I question why I am doing this, when I can't stay in warrior 2 for more than a few seconds. There will be aches, pain, tears and yet I will still get out of bed, still go to work, teach yoga, practice yoga, see my friends and family. I will do it as I know what my body is capable of. I know I can do this and I know why I am doing this.

I am doing this to push the limits with this amazing body I call home. This body is a miracle and one that sometimes I am even surprised as to what it can do. What it can do when I let go, feel, breath. I am also doing this for the sense of accomplishment, pride and growth. I'm running in Monterrey, California by the ocean. A landlocked girl, who feels more alive by the ocean than anywhere else will be running 26.2 miles on April 27, 2014. I will have practiced for this in the fields of Kansas and the ocean will give me strength. I tear up a little just thinking about it.

I started running to try something new, which I love trying new things. I love adventure. I have friends who I run with, met a great running coach, ran my first 5k, then 10k, then half marathon, saying that I would never run a full marathon, yet here I am. Dedicating my time to this journey, much like I dedicate my time to yoga. I see a lot of similarities with yoga and running. The mind, body, connection. The freedom, breath, strength. It's tuning into your body and listening to what it is telling you. It's the feeling I get when my toes gently raise up as I go into headstand like they were meant to be there. The feeling I get running outside with the sun, trees, wind, rain, snow. Running in these conditions (which I've done all) is a lesson in life. You have a choice how to handle what life throws at you, to keep going, choose your attitude, choose to be happy. Yoga makes me happy and free and connected and so does running. I took eight weeks off of running and now it's time to begin again.

Today, my running practice starts for the Big Sur full marathon. I'm ready, I'm excited. Will you be part of Nici, the marathon runner, as you have been with Nici, the yogi? My tribe, my friends, I need you as it won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Manifest your dreams

I'm on day 18 of a 40 day personal yoga revolution. My tribe at the yoga studio, Core Energy, and I are embarking on this together. We gradually increase our yoga and meditation practice over the weeks and also journal and eat mindfully. We meet once a week to talk and share and reflect. First week was presence, second week was vitality and this week is equanimity. Each week I have taken on that theme and thought about it throughout my day and yoga practice. I have to admit the meditation is difficult, if I don't do it after I practice yoga I usually don't don't to it. However, reminding myself that meditation comes in many shapes and forms is key. For example, yesterday I sat outside by a tree with the sun shining down on me and closed my eyes for about 5 minutes. That is meditating.

Each week builds on the week prior. This week, I'm hitting a little bit of a rock. My energy is down and my muscles are weak. However, just like I've learned through yoga, when I practice, my energy level does go up and my tired, sore, muscles feel so much better, especially in the heat. This practice makes me feel alive, free, in the moment with each breath. Have you really taken a deep breath lately? Filled your lungs with oxygen and then let every last bit release out. Wow, doesn't that feel good!

This week's theme, equanimity. is about the calm, peacefulness you carry with you. We all have it and we can all choose to share it. It's about staying even when you don't think it's possible to stay any longer. To breath through and find new space. Finding space for something new, something that showcases your vitality.

What makes you come alive? What are you manifesting for yourself? Where do you see yourself in a year, 5 years, 10 years? Dream big and write it down. I can honestly say these past three months have been eye-opening. You just have to be open to the possibilities and know that things happen right when they are supposed to and not a minute sooner. Looking back, I see the exact moments that totally changed the course of my life. The people I met when I was ready to meet them and the opportunities that I was ready to accept. It took me awhile to see how my life could be different and now that I see it, I'm not looking back.

Just a little update on what I've been manifesting:
  • Taking on more responsibility at the wellness center in the areas of marketing and social media.
  • Corporate wellness certified last week through Dr. Michelle Robin's Wellness on a Shoestring program. Looking forward to sharing this in 2014 to earn a extra income to help pay for Baron Baptiste level 1 yoga training.
  • Working more with the corporate wellness program as they develop an online program and start a non-profit organization.
  • Finding a balance with my yoga teaching and freeing up space so I can have down time.
  • Meeting with a personal trainer to prepare for marathon training starting next month. Creating my tribe to have the best experience possible.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Balancing act

I am settling in to my new routine and working on balance. Now that I am teaching more, I may get up at 5am one day and 7am the next so my body is a little out of whack. I also may not get home until 8:30 some nights. I've been jam packing a lot into my weeks and need to remember it's okay to take some time off and just be. I met with a nutritionist that works at the wellness center and she gave me some great recipes to try to keep my diet balanced. I also try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

I've been subbing some yoga classes too and find that I like to sub as it is something new each time. I like to read the room and the students to find where to take the practice and not be set on a preconceived sequence. With one downward dog I can usually tell where to go next. I do need to remember to commit to my personal yoga practice to continuing learning and growing so I can continue to give to the students I teach.

I know a lot of us strive for balance and we all know the importance of carving out a little time for ourselves each day/week. To take care of others and give our time, we need to take care of ourselves first. Find 10 minutes in the morning when the house is quiet and enjoy a cup of coffee. Take a break at work by going for a walk or find a quiet space to read your favorite magazine or book. Put time on your calendar each week to attend your favorite yoga class or find 30 minutes to practice at home. What is your absolute favorite thing to do and when was the last time you did it? If you are wondering how to do this, stop and just do it.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Creating a life you love

June was one fantastic month. Never before have I jammed packed so much into four weeks and what came out of it was life changing.
First up was planning a visit to see my new niece, Madeline Elise or Maddie, born May 27. She is just beautiful and I have never been one for babies, however she has changed my world. I love her so much and enjoyed just holding that precious soul in my arms. I'll be making many trips up to Iowa to see her. I even contemplated moving there to be her nanny!

I also had a remarkable yoga teacher workshop with Max Strom. We spent four days learning the ways of alignment, use of props, meditation and how to be a great yoga instructor. I had just completed all the required materials for my 200-hour yoga teacher training through KC Fitness Link so it was a great way to bring it all together. Such a wonderful experience not only because of the knowledge I soaked up from Max, but also because of a lovely lady I was able to connect with, Maylo Anderson. She teaches yoga and has been through so much in her life. She is very open and helped me see that anything is possible and in her words “Live to be safe or live to live.” She has a beautiful spirit.

CoreEnergy opened it's doors this month and I am so extremely happy to be teaching there. I met the owner, Susan Rodriguez, at a lululemon event in April and knew I had to get in on this hot, power, vinyasa yoga. She invited me to a workshop with Sid McNairy the next day and as they say the rest is history. It was meant to be and Susan has become a fast friend, helping me on my yoga journey. She was in the corporate world and needed a change (sound familiar), went to her first yoga training and within a year opened her own studio. Ah the tenacity! Very grateful for her and her family who have welcomed me with open arms. Core Energy focuses on the Baron Baptiste style and I'm looking into going to his level 1 training next year.

And all of this was building up to the biggest change of all; a new job! I knew the time had come to leave my advertising job at PlattForm after almost 10 years and continue on my path of a yogi. At first I didn't know what I was going to do, however with the support of family and friends I knew it would work out. I put it out there that I was looking and talked to people about what I wanted, what kind of life I saw myself living and I took a leap of faith. I think I found something pretty special. Your Wellness Connection is a wellness center with everything, chiropractic care, wellness coaching and a corporate wellness program. They have massage therapists on staff and acupuncture, nutrition, yoga. I am going to work the front desk and learn all I can from the owner, Dr. Michelle Robbins, focusing on corporate wellness. It is still a little surreal that I only have seven more days at PlattForm, but it also feels right.

And if that wasn't enough, I ended June with a great trip with my dad to Vancouver. We spent a week exploring the city and of course I had to go to the first lululemon store for a little shopping spree. Other tourist hot spots were Granville Island public market, Canada Place where we experienced Fly over Canada, Vancouver lookout, Stanley park, Grouse mountain, Capilano suspension bridge and the Chinese Garden. Favorite part was running around the Seawall of Stanley Park where I captured this awesome shot of the Lions Gate bridge.

As I reflect on the month of June I see how everything was leading me to this next phase in my life with lessons in asking for help, facing fears, letting go and creating a life I love. So, now that July is here I plan to take the next few months and get into my new routine at the wellness center, teach yoga and train for my next half marathon. The fun never ends!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Lead by example

My goddaughter was born today, Madeline Elise Krehbiel. I haven't met her but already love her so much. I was honored when my brother and sister-in-law asked me to be her godmother and now I'm thinking about what that means. What will I teach her, what will I share with her, how will she live a life she loves? And, then it hits me, I must lead by example. I think all parents know this and strive to lead by example and that goes for anyone who is involved in a child's life. This is my chance to practice what I preach and all those things I aspire to be, be them. Stop thinking so much and just be. Be the person I want to be friends with, the person I want to fall in love with, the person I want to spend time with and learn from and experience life with. That's what I want Maddie to grow up knowing, that loving herself and being herself  full of grace, gratitude and integrity will help her through anything. There will always be tough times, challenges, bad days, however they will pass. You will get through, you will learn and change and grow. That's what makes it all worthwhile, becoming stronger and more present and more willing to take chances. Life is an adventure and I'm so thankful to be a part of this precious child's life and learn to see the world through her eyes. I'm sure she will teach me just as much if not more, than I will ever teach her.

Oh, and you better believe I will be sharing yoga with her first chance I get.

Love to Maddie and her wonderful parents. I couldn't think of two better people to guide her every step of the way.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Crush mode

It's the day after my first half marathon and I still feel great! A little soreness in my legs, but nothing I can't handle after running 13.1 miles.

It's kind of surreal now. It's over. All the training, all the sweat, the tired muscles, the long runs. Was it worth it? Yes. Will I do it again? Yes.

My running journey started less than a year ago. It is amazing what you can accomplish with hard work, determination and a great support system. I have the two best running buddies a girl could ask for. Jennie and Ashley were there all the way to the end. Jennie is a runner, she's ran marathons, half marathons and is working on beating her PR for the 5k, under 24 minutes! Ashley is a cheerleader, she tells you, “You can do it!”, and you believe her! Jennie was our training coach as she wasn't running Rock the Parkway half marathon, and as long as we followed the 11-week training plan we would finish. I became a runner during this time. I got in my miles each week and my weekend plans revolved around the long runs. To complement my running, I was doing yoga 5-6 times a week and I know that played a huge role in being injury free and staying strong. I was also eating healthy, drinking water and I happened to do a cleanse during my training (not really part of the plan).

The long runs were the toughest. You want me to run 8 miles? 10? Are you crazy? Up to that point I had only ran a 10k (6.2 miles). You build up to it, you keep going one more mile than you did before and each one is a right of passage. We ran outside and I loved it! We ran in the cold, rain and I didn't think twice. This is how you do it. This is how you train. Treadmills were not part of the plan. Now I wasn't perfect. I might have skipped a couple runs, ran on the treadmill when it was freezing, ate a cupcake, but you do your best. It's not about being perfect, no one is perfect. It's about setting a goal and working your ass off to achieve it. I never once thought of quitting.

We did have some fun along the way and that's what it's really all about. Running was our time to talk, laugh, de-stress from work (we all work at the same advertising agency). I looked forward to running with these girls and hearing what was going on in their lives and motivating and supporting each other. I was so happy on race day that Ashley and I ran together the first six miles and Jennie volunteered at mile three and ten water stations. I could not have done this without them.

There are two long runs I'll never forget.

Eight miles was tough for me and it was after a big snowstorm so we had to find a strip of street that had been plowed to run on. I had a little surge of energy at the end as I just wanted to be done. I was hurting and you know what you do with tired, sore muscles you ice them. We had a blanket of snow right in front of us so we jumped right in. Ahh that was the best feeling!

Ten miles was also a milestone for me. I felt great the whole way, partly because to keep my mind off running it was pouring down rain. About halfway through the run it started to rain. Now a little rain is not bad, it feels nice. However it started to rain more and more and eventually it was pouring. We were jumping puddles, sliding in mud, cold. At one point there was so much water, we just stopped as we didn't know where to go. We were almost done when I realized we had to go up a hill to finish. I told Jennie “I can't do the hill” and she said “You have to.” Those three words pushed me to the end and 30 minutes in the steam room did us a world of good.

Now to race day. I felt good, a little nervous. The best part was everyone who reached out to me on Facebook and text messages wishing me good luck and offering words of encouragement. My mom even drove up to cheer me on. I did everything I could to prepare for this day and I was ready. I lined up with my pace group and I knew I had this; I just had to run a smart race. Not start off too fast and finish strong, which is exactly what I did in two hours, seven minutes and 36 seconds. Goal crushed!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Action-packed KC staycation

Let me first start with how this week came about. PlattForm's fiscal year begins April 1 and we lose any current fiscal year PTO (paid-time off) days after that. Having been employed at PlattForm for nine years, I have a lot of PTO days and instead of planning a vacation somewhere I decided to stay in KC and see some sights. One of my good friends, Jennie, also had some days to burn so the week was born from there. We spent a good month or so creating a list of all the places we wanted to go and then finalized about a week before and yes, a spread sheet was involved. Jennie is a KC native, so she was a great person to tour KC with. We were so excited about our week of fun and had it jam packed with activities. Jennie and I have very similar personalities, so even though we had our days planned we were also flexible depending on our mood and the weather. We also had a few guest appearances by Patrick Lewallen, John Pfortmiller and Danny Pumpelly.

Pre-yoga coffee pic
What better than to start the week off at a little, cozy, coffee shop, Oddly Correct. With some caffeine in our system, we were ready to start our first official day of KC tourist week. Note there is also nothing better to do than start the week with some yoga. Maya yoga  specializing in ashtanga yoga , which I have recently fallen in love with. Wade and his wife Kathleen, own the studio and it was the first time I had been there. We went to Wade's intro to ashtanga class and as Jennie said “It was the most relaxing ass kicking you'll ever get.” We can't wait to go back!

The Kansas City Boulevard Brew  tour was the main attraction for Monday. We found on the web site they offer free tours. It was first come, first serve for tickets so we got there right when they opened at 10am for tickets to the 2pm tour. It was a nice, 45-minute tour of the facility and since we went on a week day we got to see the bottling assembly, really neat. Then we got to sample six beers. I'm glad Jennie's friend, Patrick, joined us as he helped with the beer selection. The 80 acre and Tank 7 were my favorite.

I was slightly tipsy after the beer sampling and in much need of food. We went to a great Thai place, Lulu's to fuel our body as next on the schedule was a pole dancing class.  This was more of the try-anything-once side of me coming out. I actually wasn't as impressed with the class, maybe it was the instructor, but we did have some fun trying some moves and taking pics. We learned the fireman, martini, pinwheel and floating knees. My favorite quote from Jennie, “It's like we are on a carousel and we are the horses.”

That evening we went to the Melting Pot for everyone's favorite, cheese and chocolate! We savored each morsel as we dipped the little bits of food in to the melted concoctions. We opted for the spinach,artichoke cheese dip and yin yang chocolate. Divine. (Also, FYI, Monday is ladies night and you can get cheese, salad and chocolate for $16 each.) All in all it was a pretty fantastic Monday.
Yin Yang dessert (dark and white chocolate)

I was so excited for Tuesday that I got up super early, not by choice. We had aerial silks lessons with Rachel from Voler Aerial Academy. By far the highlight of the week. It was freeing, invigorating, a little scary and just plain fun. I loved being upside down and flying around. We wanted to go join the circus right then and there. It is very complimentary to yoga as well. I'm ready for my next lesson!

After that we stopped for lunch at Cafe Gratitude, which happens to be a favorite of the singer, Jason Mraz. They specialize in local, organic, vegan food and love! I ordered the “I Am Transformed” (tacos) and Jennie the “I Am Magical” (veggie burger). I think the names of the dishes also sum up how we felt after aerial silks. Next, a coffee break at Mildred's to warm up and then some shopping in the Power & Light district, where I got a really cute dress. This rounded out our second day of KC tourist week.

Wednesday was a day of rest, which was much needed after the two full days we just had. We were both quite sore from the pole and aerial classes. A little restorative yoga for me and then we met for dinner at UrbanTable. The bruschetta and wine were delightful and props to John for selecting the wine, Wild Horse.

The KC Zoo  was on the agenda for Thursday. I'm glad we went this day as the sun was shining and it was a nice day for some fresh air. We almost had the zoo to ourselves too. Not all the animals were out as there was still snow on the ground, but here's a brief run down of what we did see:
  • Polar bear diving
  • Monkeys playing
  • Lions napping
  • Cheetahs pacing
  • Elephants standing
  • Alligators floating
  • Meerkats scurrying
  • Lemur meditating

We met Danny for the new movie “OZ the great and powerful” that night at Union Station. They had the Station lit up like the Emerald City. We were one of the first to see it as it officially opened on Friday. A very visually appealing movie, especially in 3D.

Friday was the last day of KC tourist week. We walked around the Plaza a bit before spin class with Albert Lee at Woodside Health club. Albert was the lululemon run ambassador and we met him by going to their complimentary run group each Tuesday at 6:30pm. He is a great mentor for running and has completed multiple marathons and triathlons and did his first ironman last year. Albert is one cool dude.

Another highlight of the week was visiting the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. A magnificent building and we found on their web site they offer tours for only $5. Well worth it. We took some stunning photos of the architecture and saw both theatres, Helzburg Hall and The Muriel Kauffman Theatre. The organ in Helzburg Hall is made up of 5,000 pieces and it took six months to assemble. I really want to go back for a performance.

KC Tourist week ended the same way we began with coffee (okay Jennie got a snow cone). We went to Little Freshie. The macaroons were quite good too. As we sat in the coffee shop, we started our list for the next KC tourist days (after our bank accounts and eating habits are back in balance). There is still a lot KC has to offer and many coffee shops to visit!

I'll leave you with this quote and maybe you'll find something right in your backyard to try.

"One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure." ~William Feather

Saturday, February 16, 2013

What I learned on my cleanse

I completed a seven-day Ayurveda cleanse. What is Ayurveda, you ask? It is the sister science to yoga or in Sanskrit “the knowledge of life.”

The University of Maryland Medical Center defined it as follows:
Considered by many scholars to be the oldest healing science, Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health that is designed to help people live long, healthy, and well balanced lives. The term Ayurveda is taken from the Sanskrit words ayus, meaning life or lifespan, and veda, meaning knowledge. It has been practiced in India for at least 5,000 years and has recently become popular in Western cultures. The basic principle of Ayurveda is to prevent and treat illness by maintaining balance in the body, mind, and consciousness through proper drinking, diet, and lifestyle, as well as herbal remedies. (Source:

At first I thought, “Seven days, no problem.” The third and fourth days were the most difficult and I did sneak some protein bars and dark chocolate in a few times, but overall I think I did really well. My diet consisted of kitchari, fruit, veggies, steal-cut oatmeal, tea and water. Kitchari is actually pretty good and I will incorporate it into my meals moving forward. I had some friends try it and they agreed; it reminded them of Spanish rice. You can find the recipe here.

I have never done a cleanse before and have been wanting to try it for nutritional value. I don't think I eat badly, but I know I can do better. I considered this a jump start to healthier eating and I really think I accomplished that. I'm not putting a label on anything. No vegan, vegetarian, dairy-free, gluten-free here. I'm just being more conscious of what I eat and if I want a treat every once in awhile, that is just fine.

Here's what I learned on my cleanse:
  1. I have a bigger sweet tooth than I thought.
  2. I can go seven days eating basically the same thing.
  3. It wasn’t as difficult to give up dairy and bread.
  4. I love fruit!
  5. I now like to eat carrots/celery like I used to eat chips/crackers (and I don’t need ranch dressing).
  6. Food is our fuel and we need to give our body the best!
  7. Yoga really helped curb my hunger.
  8. Slow down and chew food thoroughly.
  9. Cravings included: peanut butter, popcorn, hamburger, chocolate, red-velvet cupcake, guacamole, Starbucks.
  10. Not a big fan of green tea, but I do like soy milk in my lattes.
  11. I had a weird sensation with the neti pot, but I am going to stick with it.
  12. Tune in to what your body needs. Maybe it’s just a night off.
  13. I still had energy to run and do yoga, just had to keep eating.
  14. I turn to sweets when I get stressed, frustrated, sad – it’s the instant gratification.
  15. You can do pretty much anything you set your mind too.

Goals moving forward:
  1. Cut out the dairy as much as possible. I usually eat a greek yogurt/granola in the morning for breakfast. I’m going to replace that with a smoothie. Check out my first smoothie recipe below.
  2. Cut back on the gluten. Something small each week, like instead of bread for a sandwich do a lettuce wrap.
  3. Buy organic when I can. Start with chicken.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hello 2013

December was a bit of a whirlwind and I'm ready to settle in to 2013. From working at lulu to spending time with friends and family, while balancing my full-time job at PlattForm, and teaching yoga classes it was a fun ride.

I was waiting to find out what 2013 would bring and what the next step would be in creating my dream job. The new VP of Client Services agreed to let me go down to 32 hours a week, so I can focus on yoga, which I am very grateful for. Next was waiting to hear from lulu on if I would be able to stay. I really believe that it is for the best that I will not be continuing my part-time position at lulu, even with going to 32 hours a week at PlattForm, it would be a lot. And I made peace with that even before I found out. That is what I love about opportunities. They are always there, waiting for us and if things don't work out how you planned, there is always another opportunity around the corner. It is okay to feel that disappointment at first, but then make a new plan and believe everything happens for a reason. I met so many fabulous people working at lulu and I will always be a part of that community. Who knows another opportunity may present itself down the road with lulu at just the right time.

I am really excited to start 2013 knowing that I will have even more time to focus on yoga. Friday is going to be my yoga day to study, read, meditate, practice and plan classes.

What else do I have in store for 2013? Well, you know it's all about balance and yoga is my passion, however so is traveling and my niece, who hasn't even been born yet! It's going to be one fabulous year. Here is what I have on the itinerary:
  • Staycation to see all the sites of KC (ideas welcome!)
  • Running my first half marathon in April
  • Meeting my niece in May
  • Vancouver, Canada adventure in June
  • Annual birthday trip to San Diego and meeting Shari's newest addition
  • Second half marathon in Chicago in September
  • My mom's marriage