Breathing is a very important part of yoga. I've heard an instructor say that if you do nothing else for the next hour, but breathe you have done more than most. So, before you read on take a minute to breathe. Take a big inhale and then slowly exhale. Doesn't that feel good? Do it again if you like and read on.
In yoga the poses, postures and movements are not as important as your breath. I really took that into consideration during my yoga practice. The instructor started us with our vinyassa for the class and then let us go. The challenge was moving with your own breath. It is a conscious effort for me to do this has at some points I find myself holding my breathe. Just let it out, I think. What are you holding onto?
The meditation part of yoga (savasana) is something we do at the end of each class. We take 5 minutes for ourselves with no agenda, no expectations and just breathe. Another instructors really has us think about our breath, the inhale and exhale. How we feel as we breathe, the cooler air of the inhale and warmth of the exhale. The air cycling through our body. This normal, every day act that most of us take for granted, is very powerful.
So the next time you are having a bad day, stressed and not sure what to do...breathe, just breathe.